The relationship between sleep duration, BMI and optimism levels in generation Z students


  • Duke Biber University of West Georgia
  • Daniel R. Czech Georgia Southern University
  • Ellen K. Donald Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Anna Hassett
  • Allison Tucker


sleep, university, quality of life, happiness


In this study, we examine the relationship between sleep duration and reported levels of optimism in Generation Z (i.e., born after 1996) students aged 17 to 24. This study hypothesizes that optimism and duration of sleep will have a statistically significant positive relationship. Participants in this study are Generation Z college students located in the Southeastern United States. The sample consisted of 1562 students enrolled in a required physical activity class. A Pearson’s correlation determined that there was a statistically significant positive relationship between sleep and optimism. Research implications and future research trends on sleep and optimism are discussed.


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Author Biographies

  • Duke Biber, University of West Georgia

    DUKE BIBER, PhD, NBC-HWC is an Assistant Professor of Health and Community Wellness in the Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education at the University of West Georgia. His major research interests include social emotional learning and the psychology of healthy behavior change.

  • Daniel R. Czech, Georgia Southern University

    DANIEL CZECH, PhD, CMPC-Emeritus is a Professor and Associate Dean in the College of Health Sciences at Georgia College. His major research interests include positive psychology interventions and the psychology of healthy behavior change.

  • Ellen K. Donald, Florida Gulf Coast University

    ELLEN DONALD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor and Program Director of Physical Therapy at Florida Gulf Coast University. Her clinical expertise is in pediatric physical therapy. Email:

  • Anna Hassett

    ANNA HASSETT, B.S., is a recent graduate from Georgia Southern University and is pursuing a graduate degree. E-mail:

  • Allison Tucker

    ALLISON TUCKER, B.S., is a recent graduate from Georgia Southern University and is pursuing a graduate degree. Email:


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How to Cite

The relationship between sleep duration, BMI and optimism levels in generation Z students. (2022). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 11(1), 92-101.