Understanding Gratitude, Curiosity and Life Satisfaction in College


  • Duke Biber University of West Georgia
  • Gina Brandenburg


mental health, university, Generation Z, transition, wellness


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between curiosity, gratitude, and life satisfaction in undergraduate college students. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant relationship between gratitude, curiosity, and satisfaction with life. College students from a southeastern college were recruited via email, in-class announcements, and throughout campus via QR codes to participate in the study. A total of 300 undergraduate students consented to participate in the research study and 231 completed the surveys. Participants completed surveys assessing curiosity, gratitude, and satisfaction with life. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s r correlations, and separate one-way ANOVAs to determine group differences in gratitude, curiosity, and satisfaction with life. Hedge’s g effect sizes were calculated as well. Gratitude was positively related to curiosity (r = 0.20), and satisfaction with life (r = 0.36). Furthermore, women exhibited greater gratitude as well as satisfaction with life when compared to men, [F(2,230) = 14.40, p < .001]. These results are consistent with the hypotheses and will be discussed in regard to previous research and future application.


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Author Biographies

  • Duke Biber, University of West Georgia

    DUKE BIBER, PhD, is a is an assistant professor of Health and Community Wellness at the University of West Georgia. He is the co-researcher director of the Wolf Wellness Lab and is interested in psychological determinants of health behaviors as well as positive psychology.  Email: dbiber@westga.edu


  • Gina Brandenburg

    GINA BRANDENBURG, MS, is a is an instructor of Health and Community Wellness at the University of West Georgia. She is a Wolf Wellness faculty affiliate.  She is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), a Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) and has completed numerous health and wellness certifications/specialized trainings. Email: gbranden@westga.edu


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How to Cite

Understanding Gratitude, Curiosity and Life Satisfaction in College . (2021). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 10(2), 65-80. https://ojed.org/jise/article/view/2404