Using Bloom’s taxonomy to assess social media assignments


  • J.J. Sylvia IV


Bloom’s Taxonomy, Social Media, Assessment


This paper argues that by linking social media assignments to particular levels of
Bloom’s Taxonomy, instructors can more easily and straightforwardly assess
assignments. Much confusion exists over how to best incorporate these tools, and
further, how to properly assess student performance related to social media.
Often social media is used simply as an additional and optional channel of
communication, rather than as an inherent part of a graded assignment, due in
part to the difficulties of assessment. Using social media effectively and
collaboratively is an important aspect of literacy in the 21st century; it is therefore
important to move beyond merely incorporating the tools, but also assessing the
use of the tools


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How to Cite

Using Bloom’s taxonomy to assess social media assignments. (2019). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 3(1), 50-59.