Using Bloom’s taxonomy to teach course content and improve social media literacy


  • Melissa Vosen Callens


Bloom Taxonomy, Social Media Literacy


Social media can engage students in active learning opportunities and be used to
teach almost any course concept. In addition to teaching course concepts, using
social media in a classroom can help students critically think about a technology
they use multiple times a day. While some instructors may shy away from using
these tools, intimidated by the digital natives registered for their courses, they
should not. Even though most students use social media regularly, many do not
know how to use it professionally. This article will outline activities that
incorporate social media and can be used in any classroom. The activities
correspond with each level of Bloom’s revised taxonomy of the cognitive
domain; using this taxonomy allows instructors to introduce social media slowly
and push students toward higher-level thinking.


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How to Cite

Using Bloom’s taxonomy to teach course content and improve social media literacy. (2019). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 3(1), 17-26.