Vol. 12 No. S3 (2022): Virtual Exchange: Evidence and Analysis to Advance the Field

					View Vol. 12 No. S3 (2022): Virtual Exchange: Evidence and Analysis to Advance the Field

This special issue, Virtual Exchange: Evidence and Analysis to Advance the Field, co-editors Melissa Whatley and Taylor C. Woodman and international teams of researchers explore the complex realities and provide new directions for the rapidly growing field of virtual exchange and its continually evolving models and modalities.

Written on the Sky comes from the “Origins” collection by Hilary Wilson. This work was inspired by photographic images of nature from above and brought to life with a combination of muted, earthy tones and abstraction. Each piece was completed with dashes of gold acrylic inks to illuminate the colors. Hilary Wilson is a painter and designer focused on exploring brilliant colors and patterns through watercolor, alcohol ink, and acrylics. She is currently based in Frederick, MD, USA, and her original paintings and art prints can be found at www.hilarywilsondesign.com.

Cover Image: Written on the Sky (Alcohol and Acrylic Ink on Yupo Paper)

Published: 2022-09-09


Research Articles (English)