Examining the Challenges Faced by International Women with Preschool Children Studying for a Postgraduate Built Environment Degree in the UK





Alumnae, built environment, international students, postgraduate, preschool children, sense of belonging, women


This article examines the academic experiences of five mid-career female international students who were parents of preschool children. These women were studying on a 1-year Built Environment master’s degree in the United Kingdom. We applied Tinto’s “sense of belonging” as a theoretical framework to interview women who were studying full time while caring for a preschool-age child or children. Results revealed stresses arising from balancing the academic demands of a 1-year full-time degree with childcare, compounded by a lack of appropriate support from the university. Although universities in general were viewed as offering a welcoming environment, this group of students often felt disappointed with their experience overall. Strategies for addressing identified barriers are proposed that contribute to widening existing university policies to address the specific needs of full-time international student parents.

Author Biographies

  • Maureen D. Rhoden, University of Greenwich, UK
    MAUREEN RHODEN, EdD, PGCE, SEDA, MA, is an independent higher education (international students) and management research consultant. She was formally a senior lecturer/researcher at the University of Greenwich and has extensive experience teaching management-related subjects to undergraduates and postgraduates. She is an experienced supervisor and mentor of dissertations within the fields of management, and higher education (international students). She can be reached via email at maureenrhoden90@gmail.com
  • Francia Kinchington, Independent Consultant, UK
    FRANCIA KINCHINGTON, MA Ed. Psych. SFHEA, MBPs, is an analyst, consultant, and editor with expertise in leadership development and change both internationally and in the United Kingdom. She was formally a principal lecturer at the University of Greenwich and is an experienced doctoral supervisor and examiner with 25 doctoral completions in education, psychology, and health. She has extensive European and international experience including teaching masters’ degrees in Sweden and the Netherlands; consulting for British Council school leadership (Middle East and Europe); and conducting EU and TEMPUS funded Projects in Europe and the Ukraine. She can be reached via email at francia.kinchington@gmail.com


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Examining the Challenges Faced by International Women with Preschool Children Studying for a Postgraduate Built Environment Degree in the UK. (2021). Journal of International Students, 11(4), 970-987. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v11i4.2398