Effect of a training program on the psychological, cultural, and social alienation experienced by foreign students in Jordan


  • Feras Al-Habies The University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Alean Al-Kernawi Algoma University, Canada
  • Somaya Abdel-Hameed Al-Ja'afreh The University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Wafa Ali Mahmoud Alwani The University of Benghazi, Libya
  • Omar Ismail Hamzeh Alorani The University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Diya Ahmad Al-Jaloudi The University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Omar Abdallah Khawaldeh The University of Jordan, Jordan




Alienation, Foreign Students, Educational Program, Psychological Alienation, Cultural Alienation, Social Alienation.


In this study, we examined the effectiveness of an educational training program in reducing psychological, cultural, and social alienation among international students. A total of 73 undergraduate students from diverse nationalities participated in the study. The training program comprised six seminars delivered over three weeks, with two lectures conducted weekly. Topics covered included Jordanian culture and traditions, academic procedures, students' rights and responsibilities, support services, local geography, financial management, and safety. Pre- and post-program assessments utilized validated tools to measure levels of alienation. Findings revealed a significant reduction in social and cultural alienation, underscoring the program's success in fostering social connections and cultural understanding. However, an unexpected increase in psychological alienation was noted, highlighting the need to address psychological challenges more effectively. These results emphasize the importance of comprehensive orientation programs tailored to mitigate all dimensions of alienation, ultimately enhancing the overall well-being of international students.

Author Biographies

  • Feras Al-Habies, The University of Jordan, Jordan

    Feras Ali Al-Habies is a faculty member in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, at The University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan. His research focuses on psychological studies within diverse cultural and educational contexts, emphasizing cross-cultural influences on behavior and learning.
    ORCID: 0000-0002-7450-6934

  • Alean Al-Kernawi, Algoma University, Canada

    ALEAN AL-KRENAWI is a full professor at Algoma University in Ontario, Canada, within the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cross-Cultural Studies. His research focuses on mental health, refugees, acculturation, international studies, and cross-cultural social work practice with Indigenous people. 

  • Somaya Abdel-Hameed Al-Ja'afreh, The University of Jordan, Jordan

    SOMAYA ABDEL-HAMEED AL-JA’AFREH is a researcher in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, at The University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan. Her work centers on psychological methodologies and their applications in understanding behavior and cognition.

  • Wafa Ali Mahmoud Alwani, The University of Benghazi, Libya

    WAFA ALI MAHMOUD ALWANI is a researcher in the Faculty of Education at the University of Benghazi, Libya. Her research interests include educational psychology and counseling, focusing on enhancing student learning and well-being.
    ORCID: 0009-0001-9575-1215

  • Omar Ismail Hamzeh Alorani, The University of Jordan, Jordan

    OMAR ISMAIL HAMZEH ALORANI serves at the Counseling and Special Education Department at the University of Jordan. His research explores counseling techniques and inclusive education frameworks, particularly for individuals with special needs.
    ORCID: 0000-0002-7698-3686

  • Diya Ahmad Al-Jaloudi, The University of Jordan, Jordan

    DIYA AHMAD AL-JALOUDI is a researcher specializing in psychology and educational development at the University of Jordan, Jordan. His work focuses on the psychological factors influencing learning and teaching methodologies.
    ORCID: 0009-0003-6128-7543

  • Omar Abdallah Khawaldeh, The University of Jordan, Jordan

    OMAR ABDALLAH KHAWALDEH is a part-time lecturer at the University of Jordan in Amman, Jordan. His academic interests include teaching and research in educational sciences, with a focus on bridging theory and practice in education.


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How to Cite

Al-Habies, F. ., Al-Kernawi, A. ., Al-Ja’afreh, S. A.-H. ., Alwani, W. A. M. ., Alorani, O. I. H. ., Al-Jaloudi, D. A., & Khawaldeh, O. A. . (2025). Effect of a training program on the psychological, cultural, and social alienation experienced by foreign students in Jordan. Journal of International Students, 15(3), 111-130. https://doi.org/10.32674/yw8hgx97