Academic Honesty in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Student, Teacher, and School Perspectives




Academic integrity, administrators, Diploma Programme, students, teachers


Much of the existing research on academic integrity surveys students. This study compares survey responses of students, teachers, and school administrators from schools in 76 countries worldwide. The surveys addressed their knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward academic honesty, how it is taught at their school, as well as school experiences. Results indicate that students mostly learn about academic integrity in the classroom. Most schools have a process to ensure students know about academic honesty, but half of schools indicate there is no similar process for teachers. State schools rely significantly more on student and teacher initiative to refresh or check their knowledge, such as accessing handbooks, and less on offering targeted student or teacher academic integrity training, than private schools.

Author Biographies

  • Tamsin Burbidge, International Baccalaureate, Netherlands

    TAMSIN BURBIDGE, MSc, was at the time of writing, the Assessment Research and Design researcher of the International Baccalaureate Assessment Division’s Principles and Practice Department. Her research interests lie in the area of international education, formative and summative assessment design and the professional development of educators.

  • Rebecca Hamer, International Baccalaureate, Netherlands

    REBECCA HAMER, PhD, is a Senior Manager Assessment Research and Design in the International Baccalaureate Assessment Division’s Principles and Practice Department. Her major research interests lie in the area of backwash of assessment on the quality of learning and teaching, epistemic developmental pedagogy international education, high stakes assessment design and academic integrity


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Burbidge, T., & Hamer, R. (2020). Academic Honesty in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme: Student, Teacher, and School Perspectives. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 265-285.