Making Interactions Between Domestic and International Students Meaningful


  • Yukari Takimoto Amos Central Washington University
  • Nicole Rehorst Central Washington University



English learners, meaningful interactions, Japanese international students, language barriers


The purpose of this practitioner narrative is to identify ways in which meaningful interaction can take place between English learners (ELs) and domestic students in a university setting. In order to learn English effectively, ELs require situations in which they can participate equally in an interaction with a domestic student capable of modifying their English so that it is comprehensible. We created a series of joint classes between teacher candidates and Japanese exchange students in an ESL class. In the class, the first author instructs the teacher candidates on strategies for teaching content to ELs. Second, the teacher candidates teach mini-lessons in their content area to Japanese students. The use of simplified English and visual aids allow ELs to gain confidence and the ability to participate more actively. Third, the Japanese students evaluate the teacher candidates in Japanese. Last, the first author translates the evaluations into English so the teacher candidates can gain meaningful feedback on their performance. The process effectively creates a balance of power that both educates teacher candidates in how to instruct nonnative English speakers and promotes meaningful communication and language growth in ELs. The conditions for meaningful interactions identified in this practice further contribute to the field of effective English learning for international students

Author Biographies

  • Yukari Takimoto Amos, Central Washington University

    YUKARI TAKIMOTO AMOS, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Education, Development, Teaching and Learning at Central Washington University where she teaches multicultural education and TESL-related classes. Her research interests include teachers of color’s experiences, studies of immigrant students’ English language learning, international students at American universities, studies of Japanese as a second language among immigrants in Japan, and the dispositions of pre-service teachers towards cultural and linguistic diversity.

  • Nicole Rehorst, Central Washington University

    NICOLE REHORST, MA, is an instructor of English in the Asia University America Program at Central Washington University. Her research interests include the international influence on culture and society in Meiji era Japan. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Amos, Y. T., & Rehorst, N. (2018). Making Interactions Between Domestic and International Students Meaningful. Journal of International Students, 8(3), 1346–1354.