Factors that Contribute to the Adjustment of International Students


  • Jean Kesnold Mesidor Florida State University College of Medicine
  • Kaye F. Sly Jackson State University




International students, psychological adjustment, cultural adjustment, social adjustment, academic adjustment, cultural intelligence


Leaving home to attend college is an important milestone for college students. However, the transition from home to college can be challenging, especially for students studying abroad. In this article, the authors explore factors that contribute to the academic, cultural, social, and psychological adjustments of international students. Adjustment issues include psychological distress such as homesick, depression, and anxiety. This article seeks to increase the reader’s understanding of some of the issues faced by international students during the process of adjusting to a new collegiate environment. More specifically, the article discusses factors that contribute to adjustment and different phases of cultural adjustment. This article may help the students, educational institutions, and policy makers to provide the resources necessary for a seamless transition for international students to overcome the issues.

Author Biographies

  • Jean Kesnold Mesidor, Florida State University College of Medicine

    JEAN KESNOLD MESIDOR, PH.D, is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical Health Psychology at Florida State University College of Medicine, Immokalee Health Education Site. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Jackson State University, MS. His areas of interest include trauma, toxic stress, posttraumatic growth, weight management, and mental health seeking intention and behavior in multicultural populations.

  • Kaye F. Sly, Jackson State University

    KAYE F. SLY, PH.D, is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at Jackson State University (JSU), Mississippi. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. She is a clinical psychologist and is the Director of the Community Health Program at JSU. Her areas of interest include: HIV/STD prevention service and research, women’s health disparities, substance abuse treatment and prevention and dual diagnosis.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Mesidor, J. K., & Sly, K. F. (2016). Factors that Contribute to the Adjustment of International Students. Journal of International Students, 6(1), 262-282. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v6i1.569