Intercultural Sensitivity in Foreign Student Advising: A Quantitative Analysis of Ethnocentrism within the Profession in the Post 9/11 Era.


  • Charlotte Foster Missouri Western State University, United States
  • Amrita Bhandari International Faith Theological Seminary



Jef Davis' book Intercultural Sensitivity in Foreign Student Advising could be helpful to international student advisors and other professionals in two ways. First, it may help advisors understand the issues and concerns of international students who bring their diverse social and cultural backgrounds to American institutions of higher education. After the 9/11 attack in 2001, it was assumed that foreign students perceived social and cultural bias because of their nationality, religion, gender, or language. Following the 9/11 attacks, American colleges and universities did seem to experience significant changes in monitoring and regulating international student visas and the student exchange visitor information system (SEVIS).

Author Biography

  • Charlotte Foster, Missouri Western State University, United States

    Charlotte Foster is founder member of Jouranl of International Students. She belongs to the College of Education at Missouri Western State University, USA. Her interests are multicultural education and math education. 




How to Cite

Foster, C., & Bhandari, A. (2011). Intercultural Sensitivity in Foreign Student Advising: A Quantitative Analysis of Ethnocentrism within the Profession in the Post 9/11 Era. Journal of International Students, 1(2), 77.