Accent Assessment: A Preliminary Study of Scaling Validity


  • D. Mike McDaniel Arkansas State University, United States
  • Richard A. Neeley Arkansas State University, United States
  • Julie J. Isaacson Arkansas State University, United States
  • G. Daniel Howard Arkansas State University, United States



accent assessment, international students, DME, EAI, India


Direct Magnitude Estimations (DME) and Equal Appearing Interval (EAI) scaling techniques were used to compare listeners’ perceptions of the extent of accent from recorded speech samples of international students enrolled in a United States university who spoke English as a second language. Twenty five international students served as speakers by reading the same brief passage for recording purposes. Twenty five American-born students with no formal training or experience with accents or accent reduction rated the extent of the accent on each of the spoken samples using both scaling techniques. Statistical analysis of the listener’s perceptions indicated no significant differences between the DME or EAI scaling procedures and a scatterplot comparing the data sets for each technique produced a significant linear relationship between the data for the two techniques. 

Author Biographies

  • D. Mike McDaniel, Arkansas State University, United States

    Dr. Mike McDaniel is a Professor of Communication Disorders in the Department of Communication Disorders at Arkansas State University. He has directed 15 master’s thesis over the past 23 years. His research interests include auditory processing and speech intelligibility. 

  • Richard A. Neeley, Arkansas State University, United States

    Dr. Richard A. Neeley is a Professor and Chair, Department of Communication Disorders at Arkansas State University. 

  • Julie J. Isaacson, Arkansas State University, United States

    Julie J. Isaacson is an Associate Professor of Nursing at the School of Nursing and Health Professionals, Arkansas State University. 

  • G. Daniel Howard, Arkansas State University, United States

    Dr. G. Daniel Howard is Interim Chancellor of Arkansas State University. His academic career spans more than 35 years. Among other things, Dr. Howard is an expert in globalizing institutions of higher education. He holds two master’s degrees “with honors” and two doctoral degrees from Indiana University. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

McDaniel, D. M., Neeley, R. A., Isaacson, J. J., & Howard, G. D. (2012). Accent Assessment: A Preliminary Study of Scaling Validity. Journal of International Students, 2(1), 93-98.