International Graduate Students’ Academic Performance: What Are the Influencing Factors?


  • Jia Ren Rutgers University, United States
  • Linda Serra Hagedorn Iowa State University, United States



international students, graduate education, academic performance


International graduate students have been a sizeable segment of the student body in the U.S. higher educational system. However, this student population has not completely been understood by higher education administrators and faculty and their diverse needs have not been met by existing services on campuses. This study examined factors associated with the students’ academic performance in the United States. The findings indicated that factors associated with masters and doctoral students’ academic performances were greatly different. This study suggests policies, services and programs to meet this population’s unique needs and to assist in their academic success in the United States.

Author Biographies

  • Jia Ren, Rutgers University, United States

    Jia Ren received her PhD from the University of Florida. She is currently an assistant dean in the Business School-Newark and New Brunswick at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her research interests include educational experience and academic choices of international students. 

  • Linda Serra Hagedorn, Iowa State University, United States

    Linda Serra Hagedorn is Professor and Associate Dean in the College of Human Sciences at Iowa State University. Her research on international students has included work on how to increase success both at research and community colleges. She has also done extensive study on the use of education agents for recruiting international students. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Ren, J., & Hagedorn, L. S. (2012). International Graduate Students’ Academic Performance: What Are the Influencing Factors?. Journal of International Students, 2(2), 135-143.