“He’s an idiot!” Experiences of International Students in the United States


  • Jongyeon Ee University of California-Los Angeles, United States




Kim, a doctoral student from South Korea, went to a grocery store after being in the U.S. for only one week. When he got to a counter to pay for the items that he picked up, a clerk asked if Kim wanted cash back when he paid with his debit card. Since there was no cash back system in grocery markets in his home country, Kim did not understand right away what the clerk meant. Kim seemed to be puzzled and responded, “Yes, I want cash [back]” but changed his answer in a few seconds, “No, no, no. [I] don’t need [it].” On hearing him, the clerk whispered to another clerk:, “He’s an idiot.”

Author Biography

  • Jongyeon Ee, University of California-Los Angeles, United States

    Jongyeon Ee is a doctoral candidate in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests include dual-language immersion programs for English language learners and heritage language learners, integration and desegregation through language education, and Asian immigrant students in the U.S. 






Cross-Border Narratives

How to Cite

Ee, J. (2013). “He’s an idiot!” Experiences of International Students in the United States. Journal of International Students, 3(1), 72-75. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v3i1.522