The Value of International Experiences for Business Students: Measuring Business Student Attitudes toward Study Abroad


  • Sean Heffron Sacred Heart University, United States
  • Peter A. Maresco Sacred Heart University, United States



international experience, study abroad, intercultural communication, business experience


The value of an international experience—especially for students of business—continues to be an area of focus at colleges and universities. Students across all disciplines within the business curriculum: accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, or sport management are expected by employers to possess knowledge of, and appreciation for, other cultures. Using as a backdrop two unique study abroad programs that immerse students into an intercultural business experience and have them interacting with—and learning from—the local residents as well, the survey research in this study measures student attitudes before and after they study abroad and it notes the changes that students report in their personal and professional knowledge, skills, and abilities. The findings of this research can reshape the way in which colleges and universities market these important international experiences. 

Author Biographies

  • Sean Heffron, Sacred Heart University, United States

    Sean Heffron is the Director of the Student Experience in the John F. Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University. The Welch Experience Program provides business students with professional and academic opportunities and events that deliver skills needed by employers. The program includes study abroad experiences in Ireland, Luxembourg, and China. In addition to his role as program director, he is also an adjunct professor. He has published a book on the transition to college entitled The Skinny On Your First Year in College (Rand MediaCo). 

  • Peter A. Maresco, Sacred Heart University, United States

    Peter A. Maresco, PhD, is Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing in the department of Marketing and Sport Management in the John F. Welch College of Business at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. Dr. Maresco has taught internationally at the graduate level at the Sacred Heart campus in Luxembourg on two separate occasions and at the undergraduate level at the Sacred Heart Campus in Dingle, Ireland on four occasions. He has also visited over 30 countries from Iceland to South Africa and from Russian Siberia to Taipei, Taiwan.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Heffron, S., & Maresco, P. A. (2014). The Value of International Experiences for Business Students: Measuring Business Student Attitudes toward Study Abroad. Journal of International Students, 4(4), 351-362.