Understanding Post-Graduation Decision of Caribbean International Students to Remain in the United States


  • Trevis Belle University of Central Arkansas
  • Susan R Barclay University of Central Arkansas
  • Thomas Bruick University of Central Arkansas
  • Phillip Bailey University of Central Arkansas




brain drain, international students, Caribbean, transition


We utilized Schlossberg’s transition theory (1984) as the framework for understanding how international students from the Caribbean arrive at the decision to remain within the United States after completing their highest earned degree and joining the diaspora. Using a phenomenological research design with a sample of six international students who remained within the United States after completing their highest earned degree, we examined the underlying considerations participants made during their decision-making process. Results revealed that all six participants relied on economic, political, and social considerations, which contributed to their decision to remain in the United States.

Author Biographies

  • Trevis Belle, University of Central Arkansas

    Trevis Belle, M.S., is from the twin-island nation of St. Kitts & Nevis in the West Indies. He earned his Master of Science in College Student Personnel Administration in 2021 from the University of Central Arkansas in the United States. His major research interests are international student experiences and student affairs practice. Contact email is trevisbelle@gmail.com

  • Susan R Barclay, University of Central Arkansas

    Susan R. Barclay is an associate professor at the University of Central Arkansas in the Department of Leadership Studies. Her research interests include student development and success, career transitions, use of career construction techniques in multiple settings, identity development, and life design. Contact email is srbarclay@uca.edu

  • Thomas Bruick, University of Central Arkansas

    Thomas Bruick, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for the College Student Personnel Administration program at the University of Central Arkansas in the United States. His research interests include graduation preparation within student affairs, higher education policy, and access. Contact email is tbruick@uca.edu

  • Phillip Bailey, University of Central Arkansas

    Phillip Bailey, Associate Vice President for International Education and Engagement, is also a tenured Full Professor of French in the Department of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures. Contact email is phillipb@uca.edu 


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How to Cite

Belle, T., Barclay, S. R., Bruick, T., & Bailey, P. (2022). Understanding Post-Graduation Decision of Caribbean International Students to Remain in the United States. Journal of International Students, 12(4), 955-972. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v12i4.3829