Communication Education and International Audiences: Reflections on Instructional Challenges and Pedagogical Strategy


  • Heather Campbell Bellarmine University, United States
  • Michael G. Strawser Bellarmine University, United States
  • Stephen George University of North Texas, United States



international students, communication, communication education, basic course, pedagogy


As the movement toward international education continues, institutions must be proficient when reaching and teaching international students. Instructors should engage unique learning styles, address individual student needs, and take part in additional training to effectively teach international student learners. These instructional imperatives are especially important in communication related classes, like public speaking or composition. Throughout this reflection we briefly address the current landscape of the globalized western classroom and discuss current pedagogical challenges in communication courses from the perspective of communication instructors.

Author Biographies

  • Heather Campbell, Bellarmine University, United States

    Heather Campbell, is a graduate student in the M.A. program at Bellarmine University. She is primarily interested in instructional communication. 

  • Michael G. Strawser, Bellarmine University, United States

    Michael G. Strawser, PhD, is a professor of communication at Bellarmine University. His research interests include instructional and organizational communication and he teachers a variety of courses including intercultural communication and communication ethics. 

  • Stephen George, University of North Texas, United States

    Stephen George, M.A., is a PhD student at the University of North Texas. He is interested in contextualizing theological education and linguistics study.






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Campbell, H., Strawser, M. G., & George, S. (2016). Communication Education and International Audiences: Reflections on Instructional Challenges and Pedagogical Strategy. Journal of International Students, 6(2), 632-343.