International Student Expectations: Career Opportunities and Employability


  • Per A. Nilsson Umeå University, Sweden
  • Nannette Ripmeester Expertise in Labour Mobility, The Netherlands



international student barometer, studentpulse, employability, studying abroad, career opportunities, cultural competence, international students, student expectations


Are mobile students expecting an international experience to have an impact on their career? This was one of the questions in a global survey, with over 150,000 respondents. The survey results showed that the transition from education to the world of work is of increasing importance for students. How to find a job upon graduation is apparently a big concern for current-day students, which dictates their international educational choices to a large extent. Moreover, are there differences between Europe and the rest of the world when it comes to student’s expectations of employability? This study found that opportunities for work upon graduation and earning money when studying matter more for non-European students.

Author Biographies

  • Per A. Nilsson, Umeå University, Sweden

    PER A. NILSSON, MA, has a long experience working with internationalization at Swedish universities. He has been the international director at Umeå University for more than ten years and is now writing a thesis about student mobility. He was awarded a Rotary Foundation Scholarship and received a Master of Arts in 1983 from University of Minnesota, USA. 

  • Nannette Ripmeester, Expertise in Labour Mobility, The Netherlands

    NANNETTE RIPMEESTER is Director Client Services Europe for i-graduate – a leading benchmarking organization responsible for the International Student Barometer (ISB). She is director of Expertise in Labour Mobility, and involved in the educational gaming app bridging education to the world of work. She works with graduate employers across the globe. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Nilsson, P. A., & Ripmeester, N. (2016). International Student Expectations: Career Opportunities and Employability. Journal of International Students, 6(2), 614-631.