Examining Culture's Impact on the Learning Behaviors of International Students from Confucius Culture Studying in Western Online Learning Context


  • Haijun Kang Kansas State University, United States
  • Bo Chang Ball State University, United States




confucius culture, cultural dimensions theory, Western culture, online learning behaviors


There is a lack of shared understanding of how culture impacts learning in online environment. Utilizing document analysis, the authors in this research study culture’s impact on the learning behaviors of student sojourners from Confucius culture studying in Western online learning context. The shared understandings of Confucius culture and Western culture are compared, contrasted, and synthesized through Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory. The learning behaviors of student sojourners from Confucius culture are examined from the following three dimensions: teacher-student relationship, curriculum development, and teaching and learning pedagogy. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Haijun Kang, Kansas State University, United States

    HAIJUN KANG, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Kansas State University. He received a dual title PhD in Adult Education and Comparative & International Education from The Pennsylvania State University (USA). His research interests include the use of educational technology to enhance adult learning in multicultural formal, non-formal, informal learning, and online learning environments. 

  • Bo Chang, Ball State University, United States

    BO CHANG, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies at Ball State University. She received her PhD in Adult Education from the University of Georgia. Her research interests: Adult learning; learning and tools such as culture, media, language, discourse and social networks; learning communities; community-based adult education; knowledge construction; and social constructionism. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Kang, H., & Chang, B. (2016). Examining Culture’s Impact on the Learning Behaviors of International Students from Confucius Culture Studying in Western Online Learning Context. Journal of International Students, 6(3), 779-797. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v6i3.356