International Students’ Motivation and Learning Approach: A Comparison with Local Students


  • Kah Loong Chue National Institute of Education, Singapore
  • Youyan Nie National Institute of Education, Singapore



international students, self-determined motivation, learning approach, deep learning, surface learning


Psychological factors contribute to motivation and learning for international students as much as teaching strategies. 254 international students and 144 local students enrolled in a private education institute were surveyed regarding their perception of psychological needs support, their motivation and learning approach. The results from this study indicated that international students had a higher level of self-determined motivation and used a deep and surface learning approach more extensively than local students. Perceived psychological needs support positively predicted intrinsic motivation, identified regulation and a deep learning approach for both groups. There were also differences in the effects of motivation on learning approach between the two groups. Further possibilities for exploration are discussed in this study.

Author Biographies

  • Kah Loong Chue, National Institute of Education, Singapore

    KAH LOONG CHUE, is adjunct faculty and a graduate student in an EdD program. His research and teaching interests include motivation in education, learning styles, personality traits and assessment methods.

  • Youyan Nie, National Institute of Education, Singapore

    YOUYAN NIE, PhD, is an assistant professor in the psychological studies department. Her research interests include motivation in education and human development, self-regulated learning, organizational climate in classroom and school settings and innovation in curriculum instruction and assessment. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Chue, K. L., & Nie, Y. (2016). International Students’ Motivation and Learning Approach: A Comparison with Local Students. Journal of International Students, 6(3), 678-699.