An Inventory of International Student Services at 200 U.S. Universities and Colleges

Descriptive Data of Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival Supports




integration, international students, pre-departure, post-arrival, support services


During the spring semester of 2018, a survey of international student support services was conducted on 200 randomly selected U.S. universities and colleges using the International Student Support Services Index. Survey results identified the most and least commonly provided international student support services in addition to common patterns of institutional practices around international student support across the US. The research results are complemented by researcher notes and observations in addition to school administrator quotes. This article concludes with recommendations and implications for practice. Colleges and universities wanting to recruit and retain culturally and academically prepared international students may benefit from learning how other institutions offer integration support services.

Author Biographies

  • Tara Madden-Dent, Sierra Nevada College, USA

    TARA MADDEN-DENT, PhD, is Director of the Global Programs Department at Sierra Nevada College. Her major research interests lie in social, emotional, cultural, and academic competency development for relocating students and adults.

  • Dawn Wood, Kirkwood Community College, USA

    DAWN WOOD, is Dean of the Study Abroad Department at Kirkwood Community College. Dawn is committed to international education and enjoys helping students experience the world and its diversity. She has traveled and visited many countries and recognizes the value of learning about other cultures.

  • Katerina Roskina, China Credentials

    KATERINA ROSKINA, Owner and Senior Evaluator of China Credential Services.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Madden-Dent, T., Wood, D., & Roskina, K. (2019). An Inventory of International Student Services at 200 U.S. Universities and Colleges: Descriptive Data of Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival Supports. Journal of International Students, 9(4), 993-1008.