(Re)Learning to Live Together in 2020


  • Darla K. Deardorff Duke University, USA




10th anniversary essay


Ten years ago, the world was quite a different place with the devastation of a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, the exuberance of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the release of the first iPad, the launch of Instagram, and the beginning of Arab Spring.  Fast forward to 2020 and not only is it the 10th anniversary of the Journal of International Students, but the world is facing unprecedented times with a global pandemic that has illustrated the interconnectedness of humankind like never before.  We have all been reminded of the power of human connection as we experience isolation, confinement, social distancing, and even fear.  We have witnessed powerful images of front-line workers giving their all, and neighbors in cities and towns across the world connecting from balconies and through windowpanes. These images have reminded us how much our lives depend on those around us, and how important it is that we renew our efforts in learning how to live together.

Author Biography

  • Darla K. Deardorff, Duke University, USA

    DARLA K. DEARDORFF, EdD, is a research scholar with the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University, and the executive director of the Association of International Education Administrators. She is an internationally recognized expert on intercultural competence, global leadership, and international education assessment. With 8 books and 60+ articles, her most recent book entitled Manual for Developing Intercultural Competencies: Story Circles (Routledge/UNESCO, 2020-open access) highlights a new tool, Story Circles, that is being used worldwide in the development of intercultural competencies to bridge divides and build community.


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10th Anniversary Essays

How to Cite

Deardorff, D. K. (2020). (Re)Learning to Live Together in 2020. Journal of International Students, 10(4), xv-xviii. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v10i4.3169