International Student Teaching: A Transformational Experience


  • Ricardo González-Carriedo University of North Texas, United States
  • Jesús López de Nava Denton Independent School District, United States
  • Manuel Salas Martínez University of Seville, Spain



constructivism, culturally responsive teaching, cross-cultural practices, interculturalism, international student teaching, situated learning


Today, being a teacher requires understanding and positively responding to the cultural and linguistic nuances present in the classroom. The increasingly diverse schools are placing higher expectations on teachers in regard to the use of multicultural practices. This is compelling teacher preparation programs to find new formulas to adequately train teacher candidates. International student teaching programs have been shown to yield important benefits for participants. This article describe an international student teacher exchange program between the University of North Texas and the University of Seville (Spain) and reflects on the effects of the experience on a Spanish preservice teacher and his mentor teacher in Texas. Implications and suggestions for teaching preparation programs are also provided.

Author Biographies

  • Ricardo González-Carriedo, University of North Texas, United States

    RICARDO GONZÁLEZ-CARRIEDO, PhD, is an assistant professor of bilingual and ESL education at the University of North Texas. His research interests include bilingualism and biliteracy, confluence of immigration and education, and the effects of international experiences on teacher candidates. 

  • Jesús López de Nava, Denton Independent School District, United States

    JESÚS LÓPEZ DE NAVA is a first grade bilingual teacher in the Denton Independent School District. He has taught in one-way and two-way dual-language programs for seven years. 

  • Manuel Salas Martínez, University of Seville, Spain

    MANUEL SALAS MARTÍNEZ is a teacher candidate at the University of Seville, Spain. His area of certification is elementary education. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

González-Carriedo, R., López de Nava, J., & Salas Martínez, M. (2018). International Student Teaching: A Transformational Experience. Journal of International Students, 7(3), 841-855.