Psychological Adaptation, Marital Satisfaction, and Academic Self-Efficacy of International Students


  • Gökçe Bulgan MEF University, Turkey
  • Ayşe Çiftçi Purdue University, United States



academic self-efficacy, life satisfaction, marital satisfaction, married international students, psychological well-being, university


The authors investigated marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy in relation to psychological adaptation (i.e., psychological well-being, life satisfaction) in a sample of 198 married international students. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that marital satisfaction and academic self-efficacy accounted for 45.9% of variance in psychological well-being and 25.8% of variance in life satisfaction scores. Based on the results, the differences between cognitive and emotion-oriented processes during psychological adaptation were explained. The authors discuss implications for programs with international students and mental health professionals working in university campuses.

Author Biographies

  • Gökçe Bulgan, MEF University, Turkey

    GÖKÇE BULGAN, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychological counseling and guidance at MEF University in Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Bulgan’s research interests include well-being, couples and family relationships, and work-family issues. 

  • Ayşe Çiftçi, Purdue University, United States

    AYŞE ÇİFTÇİ, PhD, is an associate professor of counseling psychology at Purdue University in Indiana, USA. Dr. Çiftçi’s research interests include multicultural issues, cross cultural psychology, immigration (specifically Muslim immigrants), international students, and psychological well being. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Psychological Adaptation, Marital Satisfaction, and Academic Self-Efficacy of International Students. (2018). Journal of International Students, 7(3), 687-702.