International Undergraduate Student Engagement: Implications for Higher Education Administrators


  • Caroline Sabina Wekullo Texas A&M University



academic experience, student engagement, international students, administrator, higher education


Much has been written about engaging international students in their new campus environments. However, there is still a gap between literature and practice in terms of such students’ initial experiences. A systematic review of 48 studies published between 2007 and 2018 was conducted to locate the research gaps, examine how and in what areas international undergraduate students are being encouraged to participate, and their unique experiences with the process. The findings show that few studies focused solely on international undergraduates. Their engagement varied depending on the student’s background, major, region, and type of institution. These students faced unique and uneven experiences with social support, academics, community identity, connectedness, and perceived discrimination. Implications for higher education administrators, international students, and researchers suggested.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

International Undergraduate Student Engagement: Implications for Higher Education Administrators. (2019). Journal of International Students, 9(1), 320-337.