The Predictors of Cognitive Skills Development Among International Students

Background Characteristics, Precollege Experiences, and Current College Experiences


  • Christie Joy Curtis Biola University, USA



cognitive skills development, international students, writing proficiency


For international students, seeking a tertiary education outside of their home countries has been a common practice for centuries. However, recent years have brought a significant influx in the number of international students entering the United States to procure a postsecondary education. In 2018–2019, Open Doors (Institute for International Education, 2019) reported an increase in the number of international students studying in the United States for the 14th consecutive year. Because maintaining this stream of international students is of utmost importance to university officials, they strive to meet the educational goals of this student population. Understanding factors that impact the academic achievement of international students is critical. The background characteristics, precollege characteristics, and college experiences of international students have been found to predict cognitive skills development, and cognitive skills development has been linked to optimal academic achievement and student satisfaction.

Author Biography

  • Christie Joy Curtis, Biola University, USA

    CHRISTIE J. CURTIS, PhD, is an Associate Dean in the School of Education at Biola University. Her major research interests lie in the area of cognitive skills development, international students, writing proficiency, post-traditional students, spirituality, and higher education research


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Curtis, C. J. (2020). The Predictors of Cognitive Skills Development Among International Students: Background Characteristics, Precollege Experiences, and Current College Experiences. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 501-526.