Exploring the Social and Academic Experiences of International Students in Higher Education Institutions


  • Sherrie Lee University of Waikato




This edited book explores the multifaceted experiences of international students in higher education. With an increasing presence of international students in universities across the globe, there is a need for a greater awareness of such a diverse student population. Although the studies in this book are mostly based in North American educational settings, the range of topics reflects important ongoing and emerging issues.

Author Biography

  • Sherrie Lee, University of Waikato

    SHERRIE LEE is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Education at the University of Waikato. Her research focuses on academic learning practices of international students using an ethnographic approach. She completed her Master of Arts in Teaching (TESOL) at the University of Southern California and was formerly a business communications lecturer at a polytechnic in Singapore. 




How to Cite

Lee, S. (2017). Exploring the Social and Academic Experiences of International Students in Higher Education Institutions. Journal of International Students, 7(1), 160-162. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v7i1.251