Are International Students Quiet in Class? The Influence of Teacher Confirmation on Classroom Apprehension and Willingness to Talk in Class


  • Chia-Fang (Sandy) Hsu University of Wyoming
  • I-Ting (Joyce) Huang Synnix Industries Inc.



teacher confirmation, classroom connectedness, classroom apprehension, willingness to talk, language competence, international students


This study investigated the influence of teacher confirmation (TC) on classroom apprehension (CCA) and willingness to talk in class (WTT) among international students in the United States. The participants (N=121) completed a battery of self-report instruments online. Results confirmed a path model that TC positively predicts classroom connectedness, which in turn, positively influences self-perceived language competence, which subsequently reduces CCA and increases WTT. The influences of length of stay in the U.S. and class size were controlled in the model, while culture of origin and class type did not influence CCA and WTT. Implications of these findings were further discussed.

Author Biographies

  • Chia-Fang (Sandy) Hsu, University of Wyoming

    CHIA-FANG (SANDY) HSU, PhD., is an associate professor of communication and journalism. Her research interests include communication anxiety, cultural adaptation, and interpersonal relationships. She teaches research methods, nonverbal communication, and group communication.

  • I-Ting (Joyce) Huang, Synnix Industries Inc.

    I-TING (JOYCE) HUANG, MS., is a sales representative. Portions of this paper are based on her master’s thesis under the first author’s supervision. She presented this paper at the annual convention of the International Communication Association in London, UK, 2013. 






Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Hsu, C.-F. (Sandy), & Huang, I.-T. (Joyce). (2017). Are International Students Quiet in Class? The Influence of Teacher Confirmation on Classroom Apprehension and Willingness to Talk in Class. Journal of International Students, 7(1), 38-52.