Understanding of International Doctoral Students’ Challenges

A Literature Review Study





academic success, international doctoral students , internationalization, students’ experience


Studies pertaining to the challenges international doctoral students confront have been disseminated at various conferences and in journals. However, there is a need to synthesize recent research to assess and advance contemporary theories about international doctoral students. Using meta-synthesis, this article discusses the literature’s main themes and the relationship between theory and the literature findings. A new tentative framework is proposed based on the results. Implications for international doctoral students’ academic success are also discussed.

Author Biography

  • Yan Gao, University of Victoria, Canada

    Yan Gao, PhD, is a research associate in the Faculty of Education, University of Victoria in Canada. Her major research interests lie in the area of international students, academic success, cross-cultural education, and higher education research.


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Research in Briefs (English)

How to Cite

Gao, Y. (2021). Understanding of International Doctoral Students’ Challenges: A Literature Review Study. Journal of International Students, 11(2), 505-513. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v11i2.2065