Focusing on International Graduate Students




graduate students, international students, myths, politics, agency, advocacy, ecological perspective, leadership

Author Biography

  • Shyam Sharma, State University of New York at Stony Brook

    SHYAM SHARMA, PhD, is an associate professor and Graduate Program Director in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at State University of New York in Stony Brook. His scholarship and teaching both focus on writing in the disciplines, professional communication, cross-cultural rhetoric, international students and education, new media in education, and issues about language and language policy. His recent book (Writing Support for International graduate Students: Enhancing Transition and Success, Routledge, 2018), which is based on data gathered by visiting 20 US universities (plus distantly from 15 more) offers theoretical and practical strategies for better serving international graduate students and using that support as a high-impact point of intervention in graduate education at large.


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How to Cite

Sharma, S. . (2019). Focusing on International Graduate Students. Journal of International Students, 9(3).