Inside the International Student World

Challenges, Opportunities, and Imagined Communities




challenges, identities, imagined communities, international student, opportunities


Substantial research emphasizes recruitment and retention of international students over their lived experiences. This qualitative study employed a sociocultural lens to explore five international graduate students’ lived experiences in the United States and their postgraduation plans. Findings suggest that international graduate students navigate a World that encompasses individual worlds that revolve around challenges, opportunities, and imagined communities. I draw on Gee’s (2014) notion of capitalizing a word normally written in lower case to make clear two differing connotations of the word “world.” I discuss implications for higher education host institutions and their offices of international education.

Author Biography

  • Jean Kaya, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA

    JEAN KAYA, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Teacher Education at Colorado Mountain College. His major research interests lie in the areas of teacher education, international education, discourse analysis, identity, language teaching and learning, and education innovations.


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Research Articles (English)

How to Cite

Kaya, J. (2020). Inside the International Student World: Challenges, Opportunities, and Imagined Communities. Journal of International Students, 10(1), 124-144.