Writing Support for International Graduate Students

Enhancing Transition and Success


  • Emily Sharma Southern Methodist University




book review, graduate students, writing support


Writing Support for International Graduate Students: Enhancing Transition and Success by Shyam Sharma is a valuable addition to the Routledge Research in Writing Studies series. In actuality, this volume’s audience is far wider than its title suggests. It includes thoughtful, holistic discussions of the needs of international graduate students to inform practitioners at every institutional level. Researchers in many fields, including composition, second language acquisition, educational policy, and student affairs, will also benefit from the book’s thorough literature review. Sharma’s primary argument is that strong leadership is essential to address the challenges faced by international graduate students. 

Author Biography

  • Emily Sharma, Southern Methodist University

    Emily Sharma is a Lecturer and Coordinator of English as a Second Language in the Department of English at Southern Methodist University. Email: esharma@mail.smu.edu




How to Cite

Sharma, E. (2020). Writing Support for International Graduate Students: Enhancing Transition and Success. Journal of International Students, 10(1), 220-222. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v10i1.1013