Mentoring and Supervising International Students in School Counseling Programs




counselor education, culturally appropriate mentoring, graduate international students, school counseling, supervision


Graduate counseling programs in the United States have increased their population of international students. However, limited studies have addressed the challenges of international students, specifically in school counseling programs. Considering the cultural disparities that exist for international school counseling students and the challenges associated with being an international student in general, this article identifies and delineates a culturally appropriate mentoring and supervision model that has the potential to shape the experiences of international students in school counseling training programs. The model presented through a case study argues that intentional mentoring and supervision for international school counseling students enhance productivity during students’ field experiences in U.S. school systems.

Author Biography

  • Bridget Asempapa, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USA

    BRIDGET ASEMPAPA, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Counselor Education at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Her research interests include supervision models in school counseling, adjustment challenges among international students in counselor education programs, integrated care, and ethical issues in counseling.


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Research in Briefs (English)

How to Cite

Asempapa, B. (2019). Mentoring and Supervising International Students in School Counseling Programs. Journal of International Students, 9(3), 912-928.