Different Perspectives on Higher Education

From Germany to the United States


  • Shannon Dean Texas State University
  • Amber Sevart University of Nevada - Las Vegas




Germany, higher education, student affairs, student services, United States


After visiting four higher education institutions within Germany, reflections on the similarities and differences among the student services counterparts in Europe – both at institutional and federal levels are discussed. Studentenwerk serves as a voluntary association of Germany’s 58 student service organizations, known individually as Studentenwerke. This reflection explores the variety of student services offered in the United States and in Germany through these Studentewerke organizations.  Additionally, reflection on the  differences in the way higher education is viewed at a societal level is also explored.

Author Biographies

  • Shannon Dean, Texas State University

    SHANNON R. DEAN, PhD, is an assistant professor in Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE) at Texas State University. Her research focuses on student development, multicultural consciousness, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She has taught on short term study abroad programs and is interested in understanding how those experiences impact student development. 

  • Amber Sevart, University of Nevada - Las Vegas

    AMBER SEVART, MEd, is the Program Coordinator for Service Programs at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She recently finished her Master’s of Education at Texas State University. Her functional and research interests include incorporating social justice and critical theory into service, leadership, and study abroad programs to further student development through experiential learning. Email: amber.sevart@unlv.edu 


Deutches Studentenwerk (2016). Studentenwerke. Retrieved from http://www.studentenwerke.de/en/content/studentenwerke

Morgenstern, J. (2016). Welcome to Studentenwerk Berlin [PowerPoint presentation].

Schaferbarthold, D. (1999). The place of student services in German universities. In J. C. Dalton (Ed.), The significance of international issues and responsibilities in the contemporary work of student affairs. (New Directions for Student Services, 86, pp. 33-38). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.






Cross-Border Narratives

How to Cite

Dean, S., & Sevart, A. (2019). Different Perspectives on Higher Education: From Germany to the United States. Journal of International Students, 9(2), 727-731. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v9i2.645