Examining the Usefulness of Mindfulness Practices in Managing School Leader Stress During COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Lu Liu University of La Verne




COVID-19 Pandemic, Mindfulness Practices, School Leaders, Stress Management


As part of a larger evaluation study on the impact of mindfulness practices on school leaders’ capacity to promote healing-centered engagement with students and teachers who have a history of trauma, toxic stress, and/or underperformance, mindfulness practices turned out to be critically important during COVID-19 when school leaders facing unprecedented difficulty and challenges in transitioning the instructions online. The two mindfulness strategies with the highest scores are the breathing practices and the concept of “being the thermostat, and not the thermometer” in guiding the leaders. The study shows that learning and practicing mindfulness is a long process which takes time and space and future studies are recommended to focus on the sustainability and group difference issues.


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