Reflective Writing in a Principal Preparation Program


  • James Wright San Diego State University
  • Douglas Fisher San Diego State University
  • Nancy Frey San Diego State University



educational leadership, reflective writing, principal preparation program


Reflective writing has become part of a vast
spectrum of professional practices across academia,
which includes the hard sciences—notably in the
fields of medicine and nursing, as well as in the
humanities, including social work, higher education,
teacher education, and educational leadership. In this
article, we seek to describe the results of an
investigation in the preparation of school leaders

through reflective writing. Our engagement with self-
reflective writing is explicitly designed to help future

educational leaders identify and promote the skills
that help leaders identify inequity in schools. The
preliminary administrative credential program in this
study is rooted in efforts to prepare equity-driven
school leaders who integrate dispositions, concepts,
and actions into their daily practice.


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Author Biographies

  • James Wright, San Diego State University

    James Wright, PhD, serves as an assistant professor
    at San Diego Sate University, in the Department of
    Educational Leadership. He can be contacted at 5500
    Campanile, San Diego, CA., 921182. His research focuses
    on culturally responsive school leadership.

  • Douglas Fisher, San Diego State University

    Douglas Fisher, PhD, is a professor of educational
    leadership at San Diego State University, San Diego,
    CA, 92812. Doug’s research interests center on instructional
    improvement, and he is the author of the book
    All Learning is Social and Emotional.

  • Nancy Frey, San Diego State University

    Nancy Frey, PhD, is a professor of educational leadership
    at San Diego State University, San Diego, CA,
    92812. Nancy’s research interests center on access to
    quality instruction and responses to intervention. She
    is the author of the book Building Equity.






Research Articles