Of Languages and Epistemologies: Reflections of a Graduate International Student on the Road to Becoming a Researcher


  • Laura (Violeta) Colombo National Council of Technical and Scientific Research, Argentina




It is late at night, after working all day on my postdoctoral research I am trying to wind down while drawing and jotting down thoughts in my notebook. I am at the living room/office of my apartment in Buenos Aires, the city where I was born and left when I was 26 years old to pursue my graduate studies in the United States of America where for almost nine years I was an international graduate student. So here I am again back in my country, thinking about the intersections between epistemology and language that I have come across on this endless road to becoming a researcher and how I have dealt with these junctures.

Author Biography

  • Laura (Violeta) Colombo, National Council of Technical and Scientific Research, Argentina

    Violeta, as everybody calls Laura Colombo, received her M.A. in Intercultural Communication and a PhD in Language, Literacy and Culture from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is a postdoctoral fellow for the National Council of Technical and Scientific Research of Argentina, her home country. She conducts research on writing groups and the role of social relations in the dissertation writing process. 






Cross-Border Narratives

How to Cite

Colombo, L. (Violeta). (2014). Of Languages and Epistemologies: Reflections of a Graduate International Student on the Road to Becoming a Researcher. Journal of International Students, 4(1), 104-105. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v4i1.500