Transitioning to university in Botswana

What developmental education intervention is timely for entry into STEM Baccalaureate degree programs?




Acceleration, Botswana, college readiness, developmental education, foundation year, mainstreaming, summer bridge, transitional programs


Academic and social deficits, a nine-month secondary school-to-university learning loss, a readiness gap for university-level coursework, and limited cultural capital characterize the transition to university for Botswana’s secondary school completers seeking a STEM qualification. This study investigated internationally implemented developmental education interventions that STEM-offering public universities in Botswana may proactively implement to ease the transition and improve matriculant’s chances of success from their first year at university. Findings indicate that a Developmental Winter Bridge Program presents the best option for secondary school completers’ acclimatization, assimilation, and university success. Policy recognition of the Bridge Program as a pre-entry requirement for STEM undergraduate programs is recommended as the first step towards increasing confidence in the preparation of future-ready engineers and scientists.


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How to Cite

Transitioning to university in Botswana: What developmental education intervention is timely for entry into STEM Baccalaureate degree programs?. (2024). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 14(1), 83-11.