Success Training for Academic Resiliency

An Advising Intervention Program for Undergraduate Students on Probation



Student success, Academic probation, Advising intervention


In this paper, we examine how Success Training for Academic Resiliency (STAR) Lite, an advising intervention program, influenced undergraduate students to overcome academic probation into achieving good academic standing. We use descriptive quantitative methods to assess the impact of program participation for 194 undergraduate students on academic probation at a large public university in the Midwestern region of the United States. We found that 153 students who participated in the STAR Lite program returned to good academic standing after one semester of intervention, in comparison to 41 undergraduate students who did not participate and did not improve academically. The implication of the findings suggests that students participating in all or extra of the intervention program components overall improved their academic status from probation to good standing.


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Author Biographies

  • Charles Liu, Michigan State University

    CHARLES LIU, JD, is an advising director with the Neighborhood Student Success Collaborative at Michigan State University. His research interests include academic advising policies and practices that affect student success initiatives. Email:

  • Justin Bruner, Michigan State University

    JUSTIN BRUNER, PhD, is a Data Analyst in the Office of the Provost, Undergraduate Education Unit, at Michigan State University. His professional work is dedicated to supporting all undergraduate units at Michigan State University by providing holistic data analytic solutions that promote equity, inclusion, and undergraduate student success. His research interests focus on active learning pedagogy and spaces as conduits for student success and closing opportunity gaps. Email:


  • Ravichandran Ammigan, University of Delaware

    RAVICHANDRAN AMMIGAN, PhD, is the Associate Provost for International Programs and an Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Delaware. His primary area of research focuses on international student experiences in higher education, with an emphasis on campus living, learning, and support services. Email:


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How to Cite

Success Training for Academic Resiliency: An Advising Intervention Program for Undergraduate Students on Probation. (2022). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 11(2), 189-209.