Examining the First Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program (F1Doctors) for International Medical Students



International applicants, medical school, GPA, MCAT, challenges, F1Doctors, health professional school


In this study, we report international medical students in the United States and conduct an analysis of the first, peer-to-peer, national mentorship program for international medical students and international pre-med applicants in the US (F1Doctors). We used analyzed survey data collected through F1Doctors and the Association of American Medical Colleges yearly matriculation reports. Results indicated that the average college grade point average (GPA) and Medical College Admission Test score (MCAT) of international applicants was higher than that of all applicants. Additionally, non-US applicants reported facing numerous unique challenges such as limited access to extracurricular opportunities and difficulty finding mentors who are familiar with the application process. International applicants have the potential to increase the diversity of healthcare professionals, and F1Doctors is the first platform to support international healthcare applicants in the US.


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Author Biographies

  • Rachel Jaber Chehayeb, F-1 Doctors, Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT

    RACHEL JABER CHEHAYEB is a second-year student in the MD program at Yale School of Medicine. She is passionate about further understanding and highlighting the challenges faced by international students as they navigate a medical education in the United States. In addition, she’s interested in studying cancer disparities and outcomes using real-world data. Email: rachel.jaberchehayeb@yale.edu

  • Gopika SenthilKumar, F-1 Doctors, Medical College of Wisconsin: Milwaukee, WI, US

    GOPIKA SENTHILKUMAR is a third-year student in the Medical Scientist Training Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA. Her research interests include cardiovascular physiology, clinical outcomes, and medical education program evaluation. Email: gsenthilkuma@mcw.edu

  • Ziad Saade, F-1 Doctors, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

    ZIAD SAADE is a first-year student in the MD program at Harvard Medical School, originally from Beirut, Lebanon. Some of his main research interests include using AI and ML models to advance oncology research, clinical trials, and treatment outcome. Email: ziadsaade@hms.harvard.edu

  • Benjamin Gallo Marin, F-1 Doctors, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

    BENJAMIN GALLO MARIN is a third year at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.  He uses quantitative and qualitative methods to examine complex dermatologic and infectious diseases, refugee health, climate change and health, and social justice in the setting of end-of-life care. Email: ben_gallo@brown.edu

  • Ghazal Aghagoli, F-1 Doctors, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

    GHAZAL AGHAGOLI is a third year at The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. She has a wide variety of research interests ranging from clinical science, specifically the role of epigenetics in medicine, to social justice. Email: ghazal_aghagoli@brown.edu

  • Azan Zahir Virji, MPH, F-1 Doctors, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Business School

    AZAN ZAHIR VIRJI, MPH is a third-year medical student in the MD/MBA program at Harvard Medical School/Harvard Business School from Mwanza, Tanzania. His research interests lie in studying infectious diseases, particularly parasitic infections, exploring healthcare quality through patient reported outcome measures, and increasing accessibility of healthcare in underserved areas. He is also committed to improving the process of non-US citizens applying to US healthcare professional schools. his journey has been published in numerous news outlets such as the Washington Post and AAMC News. Email: azan_virji@hms.harvard.edu


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How to Cite

Examining the First Peer-to-Peer Mentorship Program (F1Doctors) for International Medical Students. (2022). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 11(1), 102-125. https://ojed.org/jise/article/view/4263