Re-imagining Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education Pre-service Curriculum in the Face of the COVID 19 Pandemic


  • Ramashego Mphahlele
  • Bethia Tanneh Jikpamu


Curriculum, COVID-19, Early Childhood Education, design thinking theory, kindergarten, pre-service teachers


COVID-19 has caused a change in the demography of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) teaching fraternity. This paper problematizes the ECE curriculum delivery gap created by the influence of COVID-19. Central to this paper is the assumption that online learning might limit the stimulation of children’s holistic development. Reflecting on their experiences, the authors examine the influence of COVID-19 on pedagogy for ECE pre-service and kindergarten curriculum through the lens of design thinking theory. The reflections are based on one open and distance learning institution in South Africa and one kindergarten program in Canada. The findings reveal challenges, such as digital inequality brought on by socio-economic imbalances and opportunities. The authors suggest the digital literacy skills needed to mitigate the influence of COVID-19 in the ECE pre-service and kindergarten curriculum delivery.


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Author Biographies

  • Ramashego Mphahlele

    RAMASHEGO SHILA SHORTY MPHAHLELE, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Early Childhood Education, University of South Africa. Her major research interests lie in the area of student engagement, student support, and Open Educational Resources. E-mail: 

  • Bethia Tanneh Jikpamu

    Bethia Tanneh Jikpamu

    Doctoral student specialising in Early Childhood Education at Concordia University  Chicago, Illinois.  E-mail: .


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How to Cite

Re-imagining Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education Pre-service Curriculum in the Face of the COVID 19 Pandemic. (2021). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 10(1), 118-138.