Distance/Sandwich Education and E-Learning Environment in Ghana
Towards a Policy Framework
Distance/Sandwich Education, E-Learning Environment, Face-to-Face Learning, Innovative Learning Environment (ILE), Policy FrameworkAbstract
In an attempt to have a citizenry comprehensibly educated to contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of the country, Ghana's Education Act 2008, 1(5-8), makes room for innovative learning: distance learning, lifelong educational programs, and open colleges. However, Ghana's higher education landscape reveals the continued dominance of the face-to-face mode of learning to the utmost neglect of other modes of innovative learning. This study shows that distance/sandwich education and e-learning environment in Ghana are stifled mainly because of high stigma, poor internet connectivity, and non-existence of national policies regulating higher learning through innovative educational programs. Through conceptual analysis, the study suggests a policy framework for enhancing higher learning through innovative modes of learning in Ghana's higher education institutions.
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