Mindset, Heartset, and Skillset


  • Prince Paa-Kwesi Heto INDIE Education Initiative, USA
  • Henry Indangasi University of Nairobi, Kenya






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Author Biographies

  • Prince Paa-Kwesi Heto, INDIE Education Initiative, USA

    PRINCE PAA-KWESI HETO is the President and CEO of the INDIE Education Initiative. His primary research area includes governance, international cooperation, trade, peacebuilding, development policy, education, poverty eradication, gender mainstreaming, youth empowerment. Email: prince@indie-edu.org.

  • Henry Indangasi, University of Nairobi, Kenya

    HENRY INDANGASI is a Professor of Literature at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. His distinguished career as an educator span over four decades. He has supported the exchange program between the University of Nairobi and Soka University, Japan, for the last three decades. He met Daisaku Ikeda four times and co-authored a book titled Dialogue on World Literature with him. His research interests cover oral literature, education, African and African American literature, postcolonial literature, and Kenyan literature. Email: hindangasi@uonbi.ac.ke.

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How to Cite

Mindset, Heartset, and Skillset. (2020). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(SI), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.32674/jise.v9iSI.2810