Educating Humans


  • Takako Mino Ashesi University, Ghana
  • Prince Paa-Kwesi Heto University of California, Irvine, USA



human education, Soka education, African traditional education, Prince Paa-Kwesi Heto, Takako Mino


African traditional education and soka approaches to education share a common vision of human education, which is key to transforming the education crisis facing Africa. We make this case in four steps. First, we explore the history of education in Africa to illustrate the roots of the crisis. Second, we introduce soka approaches to education, its history, and fundamental principles. Third, we analyze the convergence of African traditional education and soka approaches to education in terms of their underlying philosophies. Fourth, we investigate possible applications of both philosophies to improve schooling in Africa. The last section outlines how harnessing the insights of both philosophies will engender an African renaissance based on young people striving to live creative and contributive lives.


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Author Biographies

  • Takako Mino, Ashesi University, Ghana

    Takako Mino, PhD, is a Lecturer in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Ashesi University. Her major research interests cover human education, higher education in Africa, African indigenous philosophies, sustainable development, and peace building. Email:

  • Prince Paa-Kwesi Heto, University of California, Irvine, USA

    Prince Paa-Kwesi Heto is the President and CEO of INDIE Education Initiative. His major research area includes governance, international cooperation, trade, peacebuilding, development policy, education, poverty eradication, gender mainstreaming, and youth empowerment. Email:

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Soka Approaches in Education (Published)

How to Cite

Educating Humans. (2020). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 9(SI), 33-55.