The Use of Information and Communication Technology and Social Media to Improve Change Planning and Effectiveness in Teaching and Learning Among Ghanaian Graduate Students


  • John Kwame Boateng University Of Ghana
  • Raymond Asare Tutu Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware, USA
  • Joyce Boateng University of Ghana (PhD student)


Content interactions, Pedagogy, Learning Management Systems, Sakai, SDG 4, Inclusive Education, Collaborative Learning


This study examined constituents of students’ perceptions on student-instructor, student-student and student-content interactions in a graduate course at University of Ghana. A survey (n=77) and focus group discussion (n=6), were employed in a Research Methods class at the University. Main constituents of students’ perceptions of and preference to student-student, student-instructor and student-content interactions were (1) perceived utility of course management systems and their ease of use; (2) perceived importance of social media and convenient access to instructors; and (3) perceived efficacy of the role of course multi-media and timely receipt of course information. The study concluded that, Sakai is a useful intermediary facilitating feedback provision, effective planning and promoting change in the design, development and delivery of graduate education.


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Schooling and Education (Published)

How to Cite

The Use of Information and Communication Technology and Social Media to Improve Change Planning and Effectiveness in Teaching and Learning Among Ghanaian Graduate Students . (2021). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 10(SI), 96-124.