Creating Intentionally Inviting School Cultures during Crisis


  • Corinne Brion University of Dayton


Leadership, crisis, PK-12, school culture, intentionally inviting, invitational leadership


This qualitative study used Purkey and Novack’s (1988) Invitational Education as a conceptual framework to understand how 30 educational leaders in Ohio’s urban and suburban districts created intentionally inviting school cultures during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Findings indicated that leaders altered their leadership styles to focus on people rather than programs and policies in order to be more inviting. Challenges pertained to insufficient funding to provide professional development for teachers and parents and the need for more mobile devices and connectivity. This study is significant because it expands the invitational education framework to show how leaders are being intentionally inviting in time of crisis.


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How to Cite

Creating Intentionally Inviting School Cultures during Crisis. (2021). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 10(1), 160-181.