Leadership standards in action

The school principal as servant leader


  • Candice Ervin


Leadership as a school principal
can be an arduous task. Despite the
laborious mood that a principal may
experience, the career is very rewarding.
In order for one to know how to become
an effective principal he or she must
understand and apply certain standards
to their professional title. In Cade
Brumley’s Leadership Standards in
Action: The School Principal as Servant
Leader, he discusses and explores the
idea of being a servant leader. He
explains to readers the idea of servant
leadership by utilizing the Interstate
School Leaders Licensure Consortium
(ISLLC) standards and personal
accounts of current principals. Brumley
offers an enlightening perspective to
current and potential leaders through his
creative narration of realistic situations.


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How to Cite

Leadership standards in action: The school principal as servant leader. (2015). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 4(1), 123-124. https://ojed.org/jise/article/view/1605