A net present worth analysis of considered academic programs at a private, regional higher education institution


  • Daniel A. Doss
  • Don Wayne Jones
  • William Sumrall
  • Russ Henley
  • David McElreath
  • Hilliard Lackey
  • Balakrishna Gokaraju


Net Present Value, Curriculum and Design, Capital Budgeting, Higher Education Finance


This paper examines the situation of a private, liberal arts college that sought to
enhance its competitiveness by investigating the financial potential and viability
of offering either a complete human resources degree program or a graduate
certificate with an emphasis area in human resources as a method of bolstering
its strategic position within its academic market. The net present worth (i.e., net
present value) method was the analytical method of financial analysis. The net
present worth outcomes indicated that the complete degree program was the
preferred alternative.


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How to Cite

A net present worth analysis of considered academic programs at a private, regional higher education institution. (2015). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 4(1), 55-77. https://ojed.org/jise/article/view/1601

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