Unfit to Be a Slave: A Guide to Adult Education for Liberation


  • Indrit Vucaj


Influenced by a mainstream radical ideology, Unfit to Be a Slave: A Guide to
Adult Education for Liberation is unequivocally a democratic pillar of human
consciousness. Unorthodoxy slants encouraging adult education as the locomotive to fit
human consciousness into a capitalistic design are dissed at best. The author
unapologetically calls for embracement of a new and radically revolutionary tenet aimed
to liberate from captivity the conscious minds of human beings and seriously question the
very foundation of the role of education in the lives of human beings. Humanistic and
libertarian adult educators alike including liberals to some extent, who uphold the dignity
and the autonomy of human beings (Elias & Merriam, 2005), appreciate the language and
the tone the author uses throughout the text in support to human empowerment.


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How to Cite

Unfit to Be a Slave: A Guide to Adult Education for Liberation. (2019). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 4(2), 67-72. https://ojed.org/jise/article/view/1591