Between old and new

Cognitive dissonance and the politics of research


  • Wincharles Coker


: Cognitive Dissonance, Confessional Tale, Interpretive Inquiry Micro-Politics, Post-Positivism


In what ways does academic dissonance influence the conduct of research? Or rather what does it mean to convert from a research tradition that valorizes realism to one that emphasizes the rhizomatic, the postmodern, the (inter)subjective? In this narrative, I critically reflect on the challenges I encountered in transitioning as an academic from Ghana steeped in linguistics and education with an avid emphasis on post/positivism to becoming a doctoral student of interpretive inquiry as practiced in the humanities of an American university. The narrative draws inspiration from a recent pilot study I conducted to explore interactional rituals used among student editors of a college news bulletin. Based on a lessons-learnt approach, the paper is a modest contribution to studies on the politics of research, the objectivity/subjectivity debate, and research in cognitive dissonance.


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How to Cite

Between old and new: Cognitive dissonance and the politics of research. (2015). Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 3(2), 76-90.